Things that I LOVE about living in community:
1. Cooking becomes much less of a chore when you have another woman to plan meals and grocery shop with. They can also take up some of the burden when you have a night that you don't particularly feel like cooking.
2. This house is HUGE. I simply cannot imagine having to clean all 3000+ sq. ft. of it all by myself. Again, having another lady friend to take up some of that load makes all the difference
3. Having your best friends around all the time just makes life that much more enjoyable.
4. Having extra hands to do all the move in painting cuts project time in half.
5. There is very little opportunity for loneliness in this house as there is always someone to talk to, always someone to come out in the garage and chat with you whilst you paint a table.
6. All the household bills are cut in half. This also applies to the grocery bill and other home expenditures.
7. Having another lady in the house means twice the possibility of fresh baked goods lying around at all times.
8. Living in a community means that you constantly have a "go to" group of others to hang out with on Friday or Saturday nights.
9. When doing the home decorating it is nice to have a second pair of eyes and mind for creative thought.
Things that I DON'T LOVE (see how I didn't use hate there) about living in Community:
1. This one goes along with #3 up top. While #3 is quite nice, it can also be, at times, quite tiresome. There are days when you just want everyone to GO AWAY!!! Why are there people EVERYWHERE?!?!?!
2. Total exposure. There are no secrets when you live in this close of proximity.
3. Having another lady in the house means twice the possibility of fresh baked goods lying around at all times. Yes. This is a repeat from above. As you can imagine this is a double edged sword.
4. Food gets eaten up twice as fast. If you know me, you know i'm territorial about my food. Step back away from my cookies people!!
5. Everyone, except me, gets SUPER annoying at some point.
6. No more nude walkings about whenever you feel like it.
7. Everyone has an opinion on EVERYTHING. Just when you think that you've figured out just how you would do something or just where you would like to place something someone else tells you that they'd prefer it another way.
I'm sure there are more things, both good and bad, I will add them as I think of them.
In this arrangement I feel that the ladies have the upper hand. Sometimes I feel quite bad for the men. They now have two times the amount of nagging and two times the amount of ladies telling them what to do. wah wah wah.
Two are better than one because they have better return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
-Ecclesiastes 4:9-10