Monday, March 19, 2012

Living in Community: Part 1

Well, it’s official. Hold on to your hats folks! I’m off my nut by about a mile and a half. I, Abby Kurtz, city girl, fiercely independent, feisty, and non-committal that I am, am not only buying a home with but am also moving in with my in-laws. 

Collective GASP!!!!

Two couples, 4 people, in less than 2 months will combine their material goods and their lives into one household in small town Indiana. It sounds just crazy enough to be worthy of a blog.

I’m not gonna sugar coat it. I’m not gonna lie. I’m gonna share it all, the ups and the downs, the funny stuff and the sad stuff, the mundane and the down right ridiculous. I hope you’ll join me on this adventure as the 4 of us forge into the unknown, the scary, the exciting, and the unchartered territory of communal living. 

A WARNING TO MY READERS: You all need to know that I’m a Christian. I love the Lord. Scary, I know. If this fact will bug, frighten, or offend you, than you best flip the channel now before my Jesus freak rubs off on you.   :P


  1. Welcome back! I've missed you and wish you all the best!


    1. Hey, Jessica! Good to see you again too in the blogosphere. Hopefully I'll see you in the reality sphere very soon!
